Author, Writer, Reporter

Category: podcast Page 12 of 14

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 32

Roadtrip edition, in which I discuss:

– Writing for a 21st Century audience
– What went wrong with Star Wars and other modern Hollywood films
– Further reflections on personal narratives
– General Patton and the true cost of Operation Market Garden in WW2

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 31

I discuss:

– The #MAGA smile and the history of Western media scandals
– Why you shouldn’t go to political protests/rallies
– Focusing on personal success over politics
– You’re on your own
– The demise of the USA and beyond

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 30

I discuss:

– Book plans for this year
– The rookie move by Rep. Steve King (don’t talk to Fake News)
– The idiocy of corporate America (looking at you, Gillette).
– Why we should be open to conspiracy theorists like Owen Benjamin
– What is an American?

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Masculine Geek

Masculine Geek Episode 1

I join a group of fellow masculine men to discuss how you can also enjoy interests and hobbies considered to be a part of “geek culture.”

Note: Some adult language and verbal sparring.

Mountain Pass Podcast - The Christmas Special

Mountain Pass Podcast – Christmas Special

The Christmas Special:

– Singing Silent Night in German (I discuss it, not sing it)
– My early Christmas miracle
– A recitation by me of a SJW version of “The Night Before Christmas”
– Why contrarians are wrong; Scrooge and Mr. Potter were not good people
– Two old newspaper columns of mine on Christmas pageants and my family’s long association with the Real Santa Claus™

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 29

I discuss:

– My upcoming Christmas Special on Christmas Eve.
– Trump’s gun control and The Wall
– How independent thinking can lead to mild PTSD
– Modern parenting and Fortnite

Intro song: “Alcoholic Blues” performed by Vernon Dalhart

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 28

I discuss:

– “Baby It’s Cold Outside” and how feminists are like Grendel from “Beowulf”
– Fake Americans don’t like America – surprise!
– The romantic v. efficient view of life
– The latest in #MeToo rationalizations
– The need for inner dialogue
– Men in the Gulag could celebrate Christmas, but American school kids can’t
– The decline of honor in the West

Intro song: “Alcoholic Blues” performed by Vernon Dalhart

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 27

I discuss:

– Starting my community’s first tree lighting ceremony
– Being vindicated on self-publishing
– The fundamental question: Are dogs or cats the superior pet?
– How culture shapes narratives that help people deal with the illusion of unlimited choice
– Rethinking the merit of interest-based loans
– How the film “The Passengers” was a flawed, but fascinating and likely unintentional rebuke of feminism.

Intro song: “Alcoholic Blues” performed by Vernon Dalhart

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 26

I discuss:

– Falling into a snow-covered lake
– Having to show ID for everything now
– The Californication of Washington state
– The importance of seasons
– Why #MAGA will never happen
– Armistice Day and how the Great War killed Western Civilization
– How a Bible story demonstrates the relationship between the young and old today

Intro song: “Alcoholic Blues” performed by Vernon Dalhart

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

A link to Adam Piggott’s essay on the Great War.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 25

I discuss:

– Why I’m not discussing the midterm elections
– “No social media” November
– Modern Potemkin villages and the illusion of wealth and prosperity
– How our society rejects the notion of fathers’ rights

Intro song: “Alcoholic Blues” performed by Vernon Dalhart

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

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