Author, Writer, Reporter

Category: podcast Page 13 of 14

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 24

I discuss:

– New intro song (Alcoholic Blues performed by Vernon Dalhart*).
– Leavenworth in autumn.
– The “Eomer Option,” a term I’ve coined.
– Why Americans are workaholics
– Avoid being the “fall guy” in socialist schemes
– How socialism is impossible with activities such as physical exercise
– The reasons for the death of family homemade videos
– My plans to turn an outbuilding into a cigar lounge
– People with political view tourette’s syndrome
– How the Brazilian election could foreshadow America’s future
– What America’s version of the Irish Troubles would look like

*Used under public domain

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 23

I discuss:

– Publication of “The Redeemers”
– More hassles with technology
– Buying a St. Bernard keg for my dog
– Women and their Instagram addiction
– How “The Stringers” is yet again proven prophetic
– Why social networking will reverse back to real life
– How Amazon could belly up like Sears

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 22

I discuss:

– The political fallout from the Kavanaugh nomination
– A life truth revealed by Dungeons and Dragons
– How people celebrate Oktoberfest ironically

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 21

I discuss:

-How modern culture is like World War 1, and social media is the artillery.
– The death throes of the American Empire
– Is the Benedict Option a viable one?
– Finishing my river rock fireplace

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 20

I discuss:

– Upcoming publication of The Redeemers
– Non-alcoholic wines and beers
– How Thanos in Avengers: Affinity Wars is an anti-Christ figure
– What makes a man noble
– Why I loathe Harry Potter

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 19

I discuss:

– Camping in the mountains
– Finding the perfect “Red Dawn” site
– Why and how to prepare for a disaster
– Not discussing politics

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 18

Apologies for the sound issues in advance, but you’re also getting this for free, so there’s that.

I discuss:

– Becoming a teetotaler (for now)
– Renting v. home ownership
– More on censorship and social media
– Nostalgia for the 1990s
– Why #MAGA is the rhetorically the greatest political slogan
– The rise and fall of American civic religion
– How the “under half your age plus seven” rule could be used by furbaby mommies against men when and if the marriage bubble bursts.

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 17

I discuss:

– Alex Jones and censorship via private companies
– The Social Media Industrial Complex
– The difference between legal rights and practical rights
– Why traditions, customs, rituals, and festivals aren’t considered as important as before
– Being proven right on the future of #MeToo

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 16

I discuss:

– Keeping your house cool in 100 degree weather
– How women can (and should) inspire men
– The myth of McCarthyism and the Cold War
– The control of language
– Disney prostitutes, a.k.a. “sugar babies.”

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 15

I discuss:

– How the Captain America films demonstrate the importance of continuity when it comes to friendships.
– Idiot drivers infesting Washington state
– The kiss of death for romance within Generation Z
– Why and how a Back To the Future remake could work

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

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