Author, Writer, Reporter

Category: podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 14

I discuss:

– Keeping your lawn alive (without flooding your house)
– The loss of the honor system, and why we need it back
– Why you must expel losers from your life
– How losers are attracted to identity politics and take over political movements

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 13

I discuss:

– Hiking in hell-like temperatures.
– Why young people don’t go to church
– How exclusion is mandatory for any organization
– Seattle’s latest gun law inanity.
– The first cynical libertarian: Ludwig Von Mises
– Henry Cavill and how #MeToo could lead to a quasi marriage draft/conscription

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 12

I discuss:

– The sunscreen debate
– Fourth of July and America’s identity crisis
– Problems with the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film
– What is needed for a good story
– Arguing as a form of verbal warfare and importance of rhetoric

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 11

I discuss:

-Why a mountain summit doesn’t always have the best view.
– Removing Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name from a literature award
– How our society has replaced personal virtue with Correct Thought
– The importance of personal and collective narratives
– Authentic rural America v. fake rural America

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 10

I discuss:

– The rapid changes coming to rural Washington
– Short stories are well-suited for our tl;dr generation
– Why people can’t control their emotions anymore
– How hopelessness is driving both the drug addiction crisis and the hyper-intense political crusades

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 9

Mountain Pass Podcast

I discuss…

– The publication of “Seattle Nice,” a new short story
– The quest to find a laptop that actually friggin’ works
– The downside to continuous technological changes
– My real life Home Improvement project
– Matching your online persona to who you are in real life

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.


Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 7

Mountain Pass Podcast

In this episode:

– Hiking the wrong side of a mountain
– My first experience rucking (with my canine companion)
– Why they need to stop making Star Wars films
– Films I would make if I ran Hollywood
– The need for a social media “cigar lounge”

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 6

Mountain Pass Podcast

In this episode:

– Catching the biggest fish on a weekend getaway trip
– Reflections on my college days during a trip to my old college town
– How to fight regret

Direct MP3 link here.

RSS feed here.

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