Author, Writer, Reporter

Category: podcast Page 2 of 14

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Trouble and Tangenting Episode

I chat about the death of social media, dare to explore what “manifesting” means, why men always need a project going on, and other tangent topics I hadn’t planned but will amuse you.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Indecisive Episode

I indecisively discuss my plans for new Amos Cavendish pulp stories and why discussing certain topics is pointless – unless you’re getting paid.

Speaking of which, you need to be a good listener and buy the Pilgrim’s Digress.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Tribute to Reese Episode

I talk about Reese’s recent death (the dog featured in the podcast artwork), my time hiking with him, and how these kind of relationships are ones you need even if they don’t last forever.

Here’s the essay I wrote years ago about life lessons from Cowboy Bebop, which I reference in the episode.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – What’s On the Menu Episode

I discuss Aaron Clarey’s book “The Menu,” address criticisms of it, and offer my perspective on its premise.

You can buy the book here.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Victory Through Failure Episode

I discuss why men will inevitably encounter failure in life, how to use it to push through to success, and how avoiding failure is itself a form of failure.

The Life of William Marshal – How Great Men Play the Long Game

I discuss various episodes in William Marshal’s life that demonstrate his ability to think long-term, and how it contributed to his success and greatness.

The Life of William Marshal – How Fortune Favors Great Men

In the first of a podcast series I discuss the life of William Marshal and how great men are the product of both good fortune and competency.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Real Man Episode

I chat about the “muh real men” online movement and my own thoughts on what makes a man “a real man.”

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Extremely Online Part II Episode

I discuss the Patriot Front fiasco in Idaho and a shameless 15 seconds of fame brought to you by “the father was unavailable for comment.”

White Boy Summer 2 Episode

White Boy Summer 2

In this episode I officially designate this to be White Boy Summer 2 and discuss the rules for it.

Download the rules and spread the word, my friends, also posted below.

White Boy Summer 2 Rules

Official film: Top Gun Maverick

Official Theme Song: I Ain’t Worried by OneRepublic

1.       If the sky is blue and wide, you ride.

2.      If you don’t have a bra, you don’t drink White Claw.

3.      No cargo shorts among your cohorts.

4.      Keep the pink out of your drink.

5.      The only right pants are the white pants.

6.      Track the score whether the lawn game’s a bore.

7.      The meat is well done when the blood don’t run.

8.      A beautiful peak must be hiked or biked.

9.      The beach party ruler has the fullest cooler.

10.    If you’re not alone put away the phone.

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