Author, Writer, Reporter

Category: podcast Page 3 of 14

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Patron Episode

I discuss the right’s problem with constantly critiquing wokeism in entertainment while never promoting its own artists.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Extremely Online Episode

I tangent for 15 minutes discussing my new basement project, then explain why young men need to avoid extremely online groups and focus on meaningful activities in their 20s.

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Top Gun 2 Episode

I discuss Top Gun 2: Maverick, why its one of the greatest sequels ever made, how “Top Gun Nationalism” could be used to counter identity politics

New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Madhouse Episode

I discuss the many causes for mass shootings and why the obsession over guns is a distraction from those problems.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – Make Mental Asylums Great Again Episode

I discuss the rise and fall of mental asylums, why mental illness should be treated like an infectious disease, and why our mentality toward the mentally ill needs to change.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Unthinkable Episode

I discuss something that’s unthinkable, yet deep down we all know it’s true.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The ‘Muh Real Men Episode

I discuss the ‘muh real men section of the internet and how their approach is is completely ineffective at accomplishing their ostensible goals.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – Friday the 13th Episode

I once more discuss how to deal with the cultural/social fallout, why we’re obsessed with following the latest thing on social media, and how to use the internet to establish real-life relationships.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Bachelor Podcast

I discuss the upsides and downsides of bachelorhood, and why “man up and marry” efforts are always rooted in false premises.

The New Adventures of the Mountain Pass Podcast – The Self-Awareness Episode

In this episode I discuss the concept of self-awareness and how having it or lacking it affect people’s interactions and perceptions of reality.

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