TJ Martinell

Author, Writer, Reporter

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast 41

I discuss:

  • Latest additions to my World War 2 film collection
  • What NYC’s only private park says about “open borders” libertarianism
  • My latest writing project and contextualizing political movements
Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 40

I record my first podcast episode on video for YouTube. Discussions include the future of the podcast, writing projects, the Notre Dame fire, and modern architecture.

Watch it here:

Download it off SoundCloud here.

Masculine Geek

Masculine Geek Episode 15

In this latest episode of Masculine Geek, Rob, Vince, and I shoot the breeze discussing Seattle, Star Wars, how courtly love corrupted chivalry, our latest geek-and-tell stuff, and Ingrid Bergman.

Take a listen!

New Masculine Geek Article:

My latest essay over at Masculine Geek takes aim at Star Wars fanboys who not only continue to support the franchise, but lash out at anyone who dare criticize the trailer for the upcoming film.

An excerpt:

Much like James Bond was the product of a post-World War 2, Cold War environment long since gone, Star Wars was a product of 1970s America. The context from which it was conceived is no more. We can appreciate it for what it was, mourn the loss of the culture that produced it, and try to create similar stories that reflects the same values. But I feel no need to see something that I find offensive just because the company that bought it from the original creator happens to own the franchise and can slap it on anything it wants.

Read the rest of it here.

Masculine Geek

Masculine Geek Episode 14

Aaron Clarey, .a.k.a. Captain Capitalism, returns for another episode of Masculine Geek to make a Dungeons and Dragons game scene report and give some additional “guff”. My laptop has a nervous breakdown, and we feature a few show-and-tell items.

We also chat about my most recent Masculine Geek article examining a possible reason for the gamma dominance in modern “geek” culture.

If you haven’t tuned in before, check out the Youtube channel here. Download the episodes on SoundCloud.

Rob’s podcast.

Vince’s books.

Interview with David Perrodin, author of "School of Errors"

Interview with David Perrodin, author of “School of Errors”

I chat with the great Dr. David Perrodin, host of Safety Doc Podcast, about his upcoming book “School of Errors” regarding myths around school safety, how politics determine policy and why you should always follow the money.

David interviewed me last year on his podcast, where we had a fantastic chat about rituals.

Pre-order the book on Amazon here.

Special Podcast: Nationalism and Monarchy

Tim Keefe and I discuss:

– An intriguing silver lining of having a king as the head of the church and state
– The merits of monarchy compared to a liberal democracy
– What is a “nation” and what makes a “people”?
– The future of the USA
Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 38

IĀ discuss:

– Springtime plans
– Why half of young people are single (i.e. alone)
– Parents making play dates for their children attending Stanford (not joking)

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 37

I discuss:

– The arrival of spring (finally)
– Fixing the food disposal
– A tale of two films; Cromwell v. The Godfather Part II
– One reason Zoomers don’t like driving
– Why you should avoid debt

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

Mountain Pass Podcast

Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 36

I discuss:

– Why you should tune in to Masculine Geek podcast
– Not eating out at restaurantsĀ 
– The Pilgrims were not the first SJWs
– Applying a “Voight-Kampff” test on people to gauge their true perception of reality

Direct MP3 download link.

RSS feed here.

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