Author, Writer, Reporter

The Reformation 500 Years On

The Reformation 500 Years On

I reflect on the Protestant Reformation, how it happened, and the consequences that are being felt today.

You can watch the video on YouTube.

Listen to it or download it from SoundCloud.


Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 58


Mountain Pass Podcast Episode 59


  1. Clay Ramsay

    I just read two of your articles . They are very good and informative articles. I have a question regarding the more recent article. You point out that the Bill of Rights was intended to apply only to the Federal government, and thus state gun control has always existed and is understood to be constitutional. That was my understanding of the Bill of Rights, which would mean, for example, that if a state wished to be an Islamic state under Sharia law, the Constitution would be no obstacle. Is that you understanding? I also have understood that the application of the Bill of Rights was changed, was “nationalized”, as a result of the War Between the States. Constitutional law certainly is applied that way today. Freedom of the press is understood to be a national right, not something subject to regulation at state and local levels. Is that not correct? If true, then the same applies to Second Amendment, does it not?

  2. Clay Ramsay

    Follow up to previous question:

    I would like to know more about the application of the Bill of Rights solely to the Federal government, and the subsequent “nationalization” of rights. I wonder if the Founders were completely clear in their own minds about the extent of application. Consider some of the less famous guarantees. For example, did any of the Founders envision the well regulated state and local militias being quartered in private homes? Would that have been acceptable? What about unreasonable search and seizures? This MUST have applied to state governments as well, it would seem, as when the Constitution was ratified, there was no Federal law enforcement to speak of, and only 3 Federal crimes.

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